Countries affected by desalinated water

Locations Relying on Desalinated Water
Algeria Maldives
Bahamas Mauritius
Bahrain Oman
Balearic Islands Qatar
California Saudi Arabia
Canary Islands Seychelles
Florida Spain
Gibraltar Tanzania
Kuwait UAE
Libya Western Australia
 Malta Yemen

Countries Using the Largest Quantities of Desalinated Water and Treated Wastewater

Country Use of non conventional sources of water
desalinated water
as % of total withdr. as % of withdrawal of country treated wastewater
as % of total withdr. as % of withdrawal of country total non- conventional 10m³/yr as % of total withdr. as % of withdrawal of country
Saudi Arabia 714 41.3 4.20 217 18.1 1.28 931 31.8 5.48
United Arab Emirates 385 22.3 18.26 108 9.0 5.12 493 16.8 23.38
Kuwait 231 13.4 42.94 52 4.3 9.67 283 9.7 52.61
Syria 370 30.8 2.57 370 12.6 2.57
Egypt 25 1.5 0.05 200 16.7 0.36 225 7.7 0.41
Other 24 countries 372 21.5 0.09 253 21.1 0.06 625 21.4 0.15
Total Near East 727 100.0 0.34 1 200 100.0 0.23 2 927 100.0 0.57

The total use of desalinated water in the Near East is estimated at 1727 million m³/year. In absolute terms, three countries, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, are by far the largest users of desalinated water with 77% of the total for the region, with Saudi Arabia alone accounting for 41%.

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